• Online Articles

    “Voting in The Modern World: Examining Media Habits to Create a Relevant Guide for the 2016 General Election” by Krystal Lau

    Over hundreds of voter guides exist in the United States today; they vary in content style, substance, and medium–including print, podcast, and video (Ballotpedia). The California Secretary of State sends out a Voter Information Guide to every voting household in California. The guide is currently available in ten languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese (California Secretary of State). Similar guides are put together by interest groups, nonparty newspaper organizations, as well as civically engaged individuals (Ballotpedia). However, although voter guides are numerous and varied, their information does not effectively reach a wide proportion of the population. In fact, 60 percent of intermittent voters say…