Editing and Publication Timeline

The following information is applicable for all staff members and authors interested in publishing with Aleph. Please note that the following timeline is a general guideline for the publishing team each quarter and may not be strictly adhered to.

Winter Quarter

Week 1

Tuesday: First staff meeting (If you are interested in joining Aleph for the Winter quarter, please attend the first staff meeting)

Friday: Deadline for article submissions from authors

Weeks 2-5

Evaluation of articles, contact authors with decisions and development suggestions

Weeks 5-10

Multiple rounds of developmental editing:

  • Authors revise articles after receiving developmental letters
  • Developmental editors write new developmental suggestions after receiving revisions
  • until the article is ready for copy editing

Spring Quarter

Week 1

Tuesday: First staff meeting (If you are interested in joining Aleph for the Spring quarter, please attend the first staff meeting)

Week 2

Friday: Deadline to submit original cover art design for Aleph.

Weeks 2-7

Multiple rounds of copy-editing:

  • Authors are notified with the necessary changes and reply to the editing team’s decisions
  • Copy-editors continue revising until the author and the copy editors are satisfied
WEEKS 8-10

Begin design process for online and print edition.

Proofreading and final edits are made.

Authors must sign the Aleph Copyright Agreement before publication.

If you have any questions about the editing and publication timeline, please feel free to email us at alephjournal.ucla.edu for more info!