Submission Info
The submission portal for the 2024-2025 cycle is now open!
Submission period extended! Submit by midnight on Sunday, January 12th, 2025
Please adhere to these guidelines when submitting your work to Aleph. We will not consider submissions that do not fulfill the following criteria.
Who Can Submit: Only those who have written their manuscript(s) while enrolled as undergraduates at UCLA are eligible to submit to Aleph. Authors may submit their undergraduate work up to one year after graduation.
Submission Criteria: Aleph publishes scholarship in the humanities, arts, and social sciences that persuasively extends or revises the existing research in its subject area. Successful papers clearly articulate their arguments and support them with evidence. Aleph does not publish previously published material. Research that has already been published in another journal or accepted for publication in another journal, including other undergraduate research journals, will not be considered.
Acceptable Genres: Aleph accepts academic essays, studies, and critical reviews of recent work (e.g. books, articles, theses, films, performances, etc.). Reviews might take the form of an evaluation of a single work, an assessment of multiple works, or a comprehensive survey of the existing literature on a specific topic. Aleph is open to considering scholarly submissions that use different mediums (e.g. video or web media) for online publication.
Submission Format: Manuscripts should be no longer than 20 pages (excluding notes, graphs, pictures, and works cited) and include an abstract (a summary of the paper’s essential material) of 125 to 175 words, supplemented by five keywords (search words other researchers can use to find the submission’s main topics). All submissions should use their discipline’s standard citation conventions (e.g. APA, Chicago) and convert any footnotes to endnotes. Manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word files, be double-spaced, use 12-point Times New Roman font, include a works cited page, and provide a page number in the upper right corner of each page. Lastly, all the components of each submission (e.g. title page, works cited, etc.) should be included in a single Microsoft Word document.
How To Submit: Please submit your work via the submission button above or on our Google Form. UCLA logon required.
Multiple Submissions: Although Aleph will only publish one submission per author in each of its editions, authors may submit up to three papers each year.
Submission Deadline: January 3rd 2025 for Volume 22! Works that are received after the deadline will automatically be considered for publication in the following academic year. SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT ROLLING, SO SUBMITTING EARLIER OR LATER WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR CHANCES OF BEING PUBLISHED.
Acceptance: All submissions are anonymous to the editors. The review process usually takes about two months, after which authors are notified of their acceptance or rejection via e-mail. Each submission will receive one of the following decisions: Accept, Accept with Revisions, Revise and Resubmit, or Reject. Aleph usually offers to publish papers on the condition that the author agrees to make revisions proposed by the Aleph staff.
Republishing: Any work published in Aleph may be reprinted later in another publication, provided that Aleph is properly recognized and cited.
Checklist for Authors Before Submission
- Are you a current undergraduate student at UCLA? If not, are you a recent alumnus who graduated within the past year?
Currently, only current undergraduate students at UCLA or recent alumni are eligible to submit. - Has your submission previously been published in another journal?
If so, your submission is not eligible to be re-published with Aleph. However, you are welcome to submit your other works that have not been published. - Is your manuscript longer than 20 pages (excluding notes, graphs, pictures, and works cited)?
If yes, please email us at as we will approve this on a case-by-case basis. - Does your manuscript contain an abstract of 125-175 words?
Abstracts are a mandatory component for submission. Works that do not include an abstract will not be considered. - Are your citations properly formatted from footnotes to endnotes?
Please format your citations to endnote format if not already. - Please double-check that your submission is in 12-point Times New Roman font, includes a Works Cited section, and provides page numbers in the upper right corner of each page.
- Do NOT include your name in the manuscript as these will be distributed anonymously for review.
Once your manuscript is ready for submission, please feel free to upload it to the Google Form provided!
Please email us at if you have any questions regarding your submission or the submission criteria!