Previous Publications
Please refer to Aleph‘s eScholarship database for PDFs of published issues and their articles. However, for your convenience, all previous online editions of each article (beginning in 2013) have been hyperlinked. If you wish to access earlier volumes of Aleph, please contact the Undergraduate Research Center located at A334 Murphy Hall. Additionally, several earlier print editions can be found in Powell Library.
Online-only articles are currently available on this website (see “Online Articles” under “Issues”).
For any inquiries regarding previously published works, please contact us via
2022-2023: Volume 20

“From the ‘Mississippi of the West’ to the ‘City of Second Chances’: Contextualizing the Racial and Ethnic Composition of Las Vegas” by Gwendolyn Berardinelli (eScholarship)
“Vacuum of Social Mobility: Warehouse Labor’s Impact on Young Workers in California’s Inland Empire” by Hector De Leon (eScholarship)
“‘Time and Momentum Are on Our Side’: An Examination of the People’s Republic of China’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Ari Fahimi (eScholarship)
“Female power through Daoism in the Tang Dynasty” by Elvie Xiaobin Lin (eScholarship)
“Lithium Extraction and Hydropower Development in Bolivia: Climate Mitigation versus Indigenous Environmental Justice” by Evan Melendez (eScholarship)
“Stories of (S)kin: Afro-Asian-Indigenous Relationalities and Anti-Blackness in Diasporic Filipinx Hawaiʻi” by Sean Sugai (eScholarship)
2021-2022: Volume 19

“Redefining Power Structures Surrounding Healthcare and Data Privacy” by Jessica Li (eScholarship)
“(Re)Locating Pride: Borders, Space, and Policing at Los Angeles Pride” by Helya Salarvand (eScholarship)
“Concepts with Compassion: How ContraPoints Uses the Video Essay Format to Promote Intellectualism and Catharsis” by Leika Keys (eScholarship)
“Composing Bolivia: “The Politics and Perspectives of Mestizaje and Indigenismo in Atiliano Auza León’s Historica de la Música Boliviana” by Herman Chavez (eScholarship)
“Run Me My Money: Unpaid Internships, Student Political Values, and COVID-19” by Sophia Bautista (eScholarship)
“Ancient Hunger, Modern World” by Solia Valentine (eScholarship)
“Simplifying Financial Resource Applications for Low-Income College Students with Return-Free Filing” by Joleen Chiu (eScholarship)
“Future Flora as a Case Study for FemTech’s Role in Science: Tackling the Taboo Head-On” by Moryel Yashar & Sabrina Wannon (eScholarship)
“The 1782 Taiwan Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Feud: A Case Study on Qing Dynasty Communal Violence” by Haoze Zhou (eScholarship)
“Partnerships between International Non-Governmental Organizations and Grassroots Organizations for ProgramSuccess in Developing Communities” by Christine Ow (eScholarship)
2020-2021: Volume 18

“A Return to Psychedelic Funk: An Inquiry into Childish Gambino’s ‘Redbone'” by Madeline Haddad (eScholarship)
“The Rise of Party Control over Policy Stability: The Effects of 20th-Century Congressional Reforms on the House Ways and Means Committee” by Emma Barudi (eScholarship)
“The Hens, the Cock, and the Operatic Fox: Vulpine ‘Voice’ in Janáček’s Příhody lišky Bystroušky” by J.W. Clark (eScholarship)
“Ethno-Racial Boundary Making and Iranian-Identifying Americans” by Tania Nasrollahi (eScholarship)
“Reframing Masculinity through Independent Cinema: Portrayals of Asian American Masculinity in Spa Night, The Tiger Hunter, and Gook” by Junghyuk Davis Park (eScholarship)
“Secularism and Sanctity: The Body and the Body Politic Under Fascism” by Olivia Serrano (eScholarship)
“Youth-Led Social Identity and Movements: A Case Study of Youth Activism in Hong Kong” by Emily Mei (eScholarship)
“Framing Chicana Agency in 1980s Los Angeles Punk: The Photography of Patssi Valdez” by Rocio Sanchez-Nolasco (eScholarship)
2019-2020: Volume 17

“Presidential Rhetoric and Congressional Support: A Case Study of the Impact of Presidential Rhetoric on Foreign Policy” by Phoebe Collins (eScholarship)
“The Lived Experience of Community College Student-Parents” by Brenda Coronel (eScholarship)
“Burning Greenhouses with Miles Davis: Class, Empathy, and Toxic Masculinity” by Matthew Gilbert (eScholarship)
“Connecting the Pieces: John Altoon’s Ocean Park Series Fragments” by Robert Hayden III (eScholarship)
“Forces that Propelled the Civil War in El Salvador: Peasant Mobilization, the Catholic Church, and United States Intervention” by Saraí Kashani (eScholarship)
“Unseen and Unforgiving: Massage Brothels and the Sex Trafficking of Chinese Women” by Angela Li (eScholarship)
“A Poor Divorce: The Impact of Economic Class on Divorce Accessibility and Processes” by Evan Lovell (eScholarship)
2018-2019: Volume 16

“Prejudices and Obstacles Immigrant Students Face in the Los Angeles Unified School District” by Natalie Yousef (eScholarship)
“Fickle Fortune: Pinning Down Fortune in 16th Century Italy” by Megan Haddad (eScholarship)
“The Invisible Labor of UCLA Southeast Asian Student Organizations: Investigating the Work That Goes Behind Enacting Diversity” by Johnnie Yaj (eScholarship)
“Female Linguistic Differences Based on the Addressee’s Gender in Fox News Coverage” by Ethan Suh (eScholarship)
“U.S. Central American Students in Higher Education: Finding a Sense of Belonging” by Katy Joseline Maldonado Dominguez (eScholarship)
“Women Warriors: The Impact of the Maternal on Racial and National Identity in the Work of Jessie Fauset and Nella Larsen” by Carly Shaw (eScholarship)
“The Contribution of Education to Tamil Separatism and to the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka” by Grace Pieris (eScholarship)
“Wharton’s Allegory of the Cave: The Age of Innocence as a Metafictional Cautionary Tale” by Grace Hawkins (eScholarship)
“Education as a Population Control Mechanism in China: The Education and Policy for Migrant Children in Shanghai” by Trinity Wang (eScholarship)
2017-2018: Volume 15

“Fun, Fearless, Feminist?: An Exploration of Cosmopolitan Magazine’s Ongoing Fight for Feminist Legitimacy Within the Changing Landscape of American Feminisms” by Amy Ruth Cummings (eScholarship)
“Discourse, Public Space, and Politics Regarding the Issue of Korean ‘Comfort Women'” Implications for East Asia Relations” by Ann Kim (eScholarship)
“Red Granite Film Financing Scandal: A Case Study in International Corruption” by Andres Paciuc (eScholarship)
“Evictions in Jakarta Through the Lens of the Media” by Tassaya Charupatanapongse and Andrew Jarvis (eScholarship)
“A New Neighborhood for an Old City: The Resettlement of the Athenian Agora in the Middle Byzantine Period” by Allison Grenda (eScholarship)
“Motivation in Los Angeles Factories: Mamá y Papá – What Gets You Up in the Morning?” by Yesenia Aguilar Silvan (eScholarship)
2016-2017: Volume 14

“The Womb, Medicine, and Negativity: Poetic Portrayals of Menstruation and Greensickness in Early Modern England” by Katherine Rother (eScholarship)
“LGBTQ Youth of Color in the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Freedom, Liberation, and Resistance” by Meryl Green (eScholarship)
“Re-engagement Through Restructuring: Expanding the Civic Learning Model” by Deanna Woodman (eScholarship)
“Virgins, Mothers, and Whores: Female Archetypes in Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien Años de Soledad (1967) and Isabel Allende’s La Casa de los Espíritus (1982)” by Vera Burrows (eScholarship)
2015-2016: Volume 13

“Criminal Erasure: Interactions Between Transgender Men and the American Criminal Justice System” by Elias Lawliet (eScholarship)
“Not in Class, Comes in Last: Examining Stringent Zero-Tolerance Discipline Policies and the School-to-Prison Pipeline” by Naomi Bogale (eScholarship)
“A Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Mathematics Textbooks and Teaching: Concept Definitions, Conceptual Information, and Classroom Instructions” by Zihao Zhao (eScholarship)
2014-2015: Volume 12

“Conflict and Compromise: The Nullification Crisis” by Adam El-Sahn (eScholarship)
“The Homme Fatale: Transgressing Normative Behavior and the Loss of Masculinity” by Christina Chin (eScholarship)
“Black Nature/Dark Matter Poetics: Camille Dungy’s Smith Blue and Tracy K. Smith’s Life on Mars” by Jewel Pereya (eScholarship)
“Interference of Second Language in the Acquisition of Tagalog Word Order in Children: A Case Study” by Seth Ronquillo (eScholarship)
2013-2014: Volume 11

“Are We the 99%?: Student Attitudes Toward the Occupy Movements” by Tiffany Neman (eScholarship)
“Plastic Bags: Short-Term Uses with Long-Term Consequences” by Natalie Dryer (eScholarship)
“Outreach Programs and College Choice: An Examination of Navigating the Decision-Making Process from the High School to College Pipeline” by Tonia Guida (eScholarship)
“Pills, Patients, and Profits: Psychiatric Drugs c. 1950 to Today” by Alice Wang (eScholarship)
Review: “On the Wrong Track: How Tracking is Associated with Dropping Out of High School. Werblow, J., Urick, A., and Duesbery, L.” by Karen Villegas (eScholarship)
2012-2013: Volume 10

“The Deconstruction of the Danish Nation” by Charlotte K. Rose (eScholarship)
“Email, Social Media, and More: How Constituents Communicate with Their Members of Congress in the Digital Age” by Tempest Edward (eScholarship)
“Facing the Music: Jazz and the Third Reich” by Ellen Taylor (eScholarship)
“Cervantes’ El Cerco de Numancia: An Argument Based on Blood Based Determination Hispanidad” by Diane Bani-Esraili (eScholarship)
2011-2012: Volume 9

“Bridging the North-South Divide Through Al-Jazeera” by Katrina Oh
“Challenges and Opportunities for a Clean Technology Revolution: A Venture Capital Perspective” by Varun Mehra
“Nationalism in the Soviet Union: The Development of Nations in Chechnya and Uzbekistan” by Dana Fenson
“The Fetishization of Panopticon: An Analysis of the Transformation of the Panopticon from Foucault to the Present” by Kailey Giordano
“God’s in His Heaven, All’s Right with the World: The Need for the Timely Establishment of an International Legal Regime in Outer Space and the Privatization of Space War” by Einar Engvig
2009 Fall: Volume 6

“100 Years and Counting: Yinka Shonibare and the Search for Africa” by Ellen Brooks
2006-2007: Volume 4

“Globalization and Mail-Order Brides: A Postmodern Feminist Perspective” by Alisha J. Flecky
“Human Rights NGOs and the Globalization Debate: A Case Study” by E.M. Fouksman
“The Empire Restored: The Carolingian Revival of Roman Imperial Ideology” by William Kolkey
“The Catholic Ethic and the ‘Spirit” of the Fin du Temps” by Desmond Stevens
2005-2006: Volume 3

“Ethnic Identity in the Classroom: A Case Study of Bilingual Education in Two Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico” by Alicia Rosario Parise
“Urban Renewal: Blake and Superman in the 20th Century” by Lindsay Urquhart
“Sectarianism and Fractionalization in Student Movements: A Game Theoretic Analysis on the decline of Student Activism” by Trevor Johnston
“Paul’s Concepts of Community and Social Justice as Seen in the Predestination Arguments of Romans 9-11” by Alberto Urquidez
“Madness After Mao: Bipolar Disorder Across Genders and Generations in Urban China” by Emily NG
“Semiotic Intersections Between Gender Violence and the Media: How Violence Against Women is Normalized and Perpetuated Through Syntax and Semantics” by Leslie Schwartz